The overall strategy of ISOTTA is based on a Work Package structure that maps the different competences represented in the consortium. The project comprises 5 Work Packages (WP):


WP1: Management and Coordination [Andrea Giuliani, CNRS]
WP2: Isotope production and purification [Ezio Previtali, INFN]
WP3: Isotope radio-purity assessment with nuclear and mass spectroscopy [Marcin Wojcik, IF UJ]
WP4: Isotope radio-purity assessment with external source approach [Laurent Simard, CNRS ]
WP5: Isotope radio-purity assessment with calorimetric methods [Stefano Pirro, INFN]

The management structure of the project is very light and consists of three elements:

  • The Project Coordinator (PC) coincides with the leader of WP1 (Andrea Giuliani) and is responsible for the overall management of the ISOTTA project and for the day-to-day operation. He supervises the implementation of the decisions of the Executive Board and of the Measurement Coordinating Panel. He is responsible for the dissemination activities. Finally, he is the intermediary between the Consortium and ASPERA Common Call Secretariat.
  • The Executive Board (EB) is composed by the leaders of the WPs and by the contact persons of the partner institutions. The role of the EB is to check the progress of all the scientific and technical activities according to the time plan; to assemble the reports describing the activities of ISOTTA; to manage the exchange of information inside and outside the consortium; finally, to promote ISOTTA at the international level. The EB will meet every 6 months (during the ISOTTA general meetings) and more frequently by phone conference, under convocation of the chair, who is elected among the members at the first meeting.

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